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Publishing & Public Access

The Smithsonian Institution and its employees create a range of formal publications and other content about the Institution and its research, collections, and programs in different formats and through various media. As part of its mission, the Smithsonian works to advance open science and increase access to scholarly content through various initiatives, including:


The Smithsonian’s “Plan for Increased Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research” was created in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s 2013 memo and August 2022 revised guidance. Journal articles and book chapters authored by SI scholars in all Smithsonian research areas are subject to this Plan. If an SI employee is the corresponding author of an article or chapter and receives a publishing agreement from a publisher, that employee should refer to the instructions below and SD 806Publishing at the Smithsonian and by Smithsonian Employees.

SI employees who are corresponding authors and/or are asked to sign agreements for their work product are permitted to complete CLICK LICENSESagreement to terms inside an online submission system. Authors must also attach “supplemental terms” to their manuscript (see below) and correctly identify their ownership type:

SI employees are asked to attach “supplemental terms” to manuscripts at submission to ensure contract terms that enable compliance with Public Access requirements. For Elsevier or Wiley, employees should attach the publisher-specific pre-negotiated addendum.

* During online submission to its journals, Wiley will ask corresponding author to identify “ownership type” (see above) and instruct them to “Request the Smithsonian Supplemental Terms from your agency.” You should complete submission in Wiley’s system, after which Wiley will send a publishing agreement that requires authorized signature(s). Submit a Public Access Ticket in ServiceNow (steps below) to send the agreement to SI’s authorized signatory. Rarely, a Wiley journal will allow a “click license” (see above), in which case, a Public Access Ticket is not needed.

When agreements (including those from Wiley) require REAL SIGNATURE, SI employees must complete a Public Access Ticket in Service Portal allowing for signature by the appropriate signing authority, but only if all of these apply:

If not all apply, refer to this table to find the appropriate SI signatory: Signing Authority for Publishing Agreements (from SD 806).

If all apply, follow this link to Submit a Public Access Ticket or follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Public Access ticket” on SI’s Service Portal ( If this link doesn’t work, go into “Service Portal” on or Prism’s home page then search “public access.”
  2. Complete all the fields that apply. (Leave fields blank if they are n/a.)
  3. When prompted for co-authors, be sure to list all co-authors’ namesin order of authorship (including non-SI co-authors).
  4. Attach the unsignedcontract (and any other documents the publisher gave you). To attach, click “Add attachments” at bottom of form.
  5. If you have a clean copy of the “Accepted Manuscript” of your article/chapter (the author-revised manuscript after peer review but before publisher edits or page proofs), you may attach it as well.
  6. Click “Submit”


The Royal Society – Smithsonian Scholarly Press has entered into a one-year agreement with Royal Society Publishing for discounted article processing charges (i.e., a transformative agreement). Beginning November 1, 2022, current Smithsonian employees and fellows in good standing may be eligible for discounted fees for the following journals:

When submitting through Royal Society’s online submission system, the corresponding author will be required to provide their email, their Smithsonian mailing address, and a Smithsonian Ringgold ID. Click for more detail and publisher instructions for Royal Society’s open access journals and hybrid journals.

View the webcast (February 6, 2020): Overview of SD 806, and presentation PowerPoint.